
Tablet Photo Booth, 5 reasons to use them.

Tablet Photo Booth, 5 reasons to use them

Tablet Photo Booth, 5 reasons to use them

In this article, we will give you 5 reasons to use an Android tablet with Photo Booth, and we will give you tips to get the most out of the Fun Event App.

1. Cost

One of the main reasons we developed the Fun Event App for Android devices and tablets was for the price. With the same features as an iPad, you can get an Android tablet at half the price of an iPad. With an Android tablet, you can provide professional, high-quality event services while increasing your profit margin, due to a much lower investment than with an Apple device.

2. WhatsApp

While developing the operations, one of the most requested by our users was being able to send photographs of the event through WhatsApp. We got to work, and offered this function. Sending photos through WhatsApp is a great advantage in terms of usability, cost, and making photos go viral. As well as sending the photos, you can customize the text on the photo to be sent to the user.

3. Versatility

To install our application, you can download it here, onto a mobile device, either a tablet or a smartphone–you have many options for using it. With a tablet, as it is lightweight and has an integrated camera, you can move around the whole event, livening it up and taking photos or setting the tablet up on a tripod with a light ring (you can buy it here) and leave it in one place.

Tablet Photo Booth, Ring Light

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4. Connectivity

Both tablets and smartphones have WiFi and 3G/4G (mobile data) connectivity, which makes it easier to share photographs. When you buy a tablet with the 4G option, you will see that there is a clear economic advantage over Apple iPad devices, since these are usually much more expensive. In most cases, you can get almost two Android tablets for the price of one iPad with similar quality in the front-facing camera.

5. Printing

Our Fun Event App can print photos of events without an internet connection. But if you need to, you can set up a local area network (LAN) with WiFi (even though it does not have internet access) so that the photos can be sent wirelessly to the Windows computer that has a printer connected.
